Wednesday, April 2, 2008

sIcK + mOoDy

this morning about 6a.m...i suddenly woke up...because of nightmare...aiks...i dreamed someone was going to kill me couldn't sleep well...
after woke up on 8a.m...straight flu...head dizzy somemore...aiks...mood damn low...

when i went to school to do my withdrawal from course...aiks...really wasting of my time...suck 1st told me: "oh...she will come back after lunch time." so i wait and wait in the cafeteria...chit chat with my sot pocker...after lunch time...i went back to 8th find the person i wanted to meet...but the staff told me: "oh ya!!! forget to tell you that she is on holiday, will be back on next week." oh gosh...mood became lower...and made me missed my movie - D3aTh D3aTh noT3~~~ gonna postpone to next week...

ubat ubat ubat...argh

time to have my medicine...want to try out my medicine??? no taste one...keke =P OMG...stomache + gastric + vomit right

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