Saturday, April 19, 2008


this afternoon, ling & i went to my 2nd sister's house to wait for my elder sister to pick us up for shopping...few of us after having lunch at the area of premier 101...we went to 4mile and spring...hahaXD...the lunch, i really ate too much...until forgot to capture some pictures...ling reminded me but i already finished all the food...keke =P

woo...Lancer infront of me when on the way went to sister's house

in my elder sister's kelisa...she also has 7 zai...T_T i didn't have...sad ah...saw many 7zai when shopping...but all the 7zai's face cacat one...hahaXD

^at Spring^
boy: en, let me capture some of your photo...faster posing...
girl: yo~~~pose kin...hurry hurry...leg tired liaw...

boy: nah~~~your pose so ugly...don't want to capture liaw...
girl: hey!!! how can you!!! what the f***!!!

^Car Show^
promoter: *aiks...finish see boi...want buy du buy...don't want du suak...don't cincai touch lar *

^Racing Field^

*drift drift*

*phew~~~* abit like lalat fly past...keke=P

hehe^^ i bought it at 4 mile hp shop...cute neh...hard to make decision when wanna bought it...many cute one at there...

know what is it??? suku insect...saw it at my sister's house...

walked until my foot felt pain...old already...just like my sister said: "face and body looked young...but inside...all the organ just like an old woman one..." wahahahaXD...

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