Wednesday, April 16, 2008

mY dAy...k3k3 =P

hmm...what have i done today??? online whole day after woke up from sleep??? no no no...i went to my campus to continue the withdrawal from course thing...luckily, the girl who in charge was in the office...if she wasn't in the office again, i might gonna burn the campus...hahaXD
we both have a conversation as below:

the girl: "why you want to quit?"

me: "aiyo...the service in the campus not good...admin people do things so messy...facilities not enough good...then don't have toilet paper...*agree with me??? my friends~~~*"

the girl: "ha? don't have toilet paper?"

me: "yea...sometimes hard to get toilet paper ...*actually didn't know what to say...cincai say one*"

the girl: "ooo~ but i confirm 8th will always have...hahaXD"

me: "haha...*so lame* yea yea"

the girl: "why you so late just come to do the exit interview? already 8 weeks nw!"

me: " was the admin staff who asked me to come here to do it for the SECOND times! they said that they didn't get my record!"

the girl: "ha? second times...who did you submit the form to when the 1st time you did the exit interview?"

me: "hehe^^ you, miss."

the girl: "oww...i check...*few second later* hehe^^ the exit interview form is wonder you want to quit from the campus."

me: "hahaXD you're right...thats why..."

the girl: "ok..."

then, i took the withdrawal form and submitted to the admin...

admin girl: " come you did the form for the second times?"

me: "one of the staff here asked me to come to do it one...said that didn't get my record..."

admin girl: "which staff?"

me: "don't know..."

admin girl: "all right...never mind...i keep the form 1st...i will contact you again..."

me: "WHAT??? AGAIN???"

admin girl: "hehe^^ maybe maybe..."

oh gosh...i hope they weren't going to call me again...i knew i was so famous in the campus...i knew they miss me so much...but, PLEASE!!! don't keep calling to ask me go to the was kinda "pekcek" for me to go back there because of the lack of parking space...
i nearly "long" one car when i side parking...hahaXD i wanted to press brek...but, hee^^ i press tiok oil...wakekekekeke =P luckily...the car infront of me wasn't VIOS or ALTIS or FERRARI or was only a laoya car and almost reput one...keke...
the campus really suck ah!!! doing things until like this...many trouble one...pity all my fellow friends...needed to suffer...good luck for all of you oh^^

p/s: sorry oh ha tiok you, my ling...hee^^ and thanks for the drinks...i really thirsty alot...

p/s: thia, you really busy oh...sob sob...until didn't have time to have a talk with me...T_T

oh ya...when have a meal at SCR...met tiok my secondary school teachers...knew what have they asked???

"hai~~~ ah moi~~~still ah moi lar hor???"

hahaXD...sure ah moi lor...if not, aunty meh???

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