Friday, June 27, 2008

weIrD dReAm

last night, i have weird weird dream...
some kind of continuous dream...& also lame dream...lolz
i have dreamed it before...then it continued to last night...

before, i dreamed myself went to secondary school to study...but i woke up in the same time...
then last night, it continued the dream...i found out myself in the class...
i was very concentrated in paying attention to the lesson...
but, i didn't know why...i kept received the sms that scolded me...memalukan me...kutuk me...
last, my friend told me that the sms was sent by the did i do??? why the teacher beh liang me...
the teacher kept looked at me with the eye full of anger & hatred...owh gosh...i couldn't take it anymore...i stood up & pointed at the teacher & scolded him...
he seemed didn't mind what have i scolded...still 奸笑 to me...i was very mad...i just took my bag & left the class...

lolz...very lame right??? a teacher sms to student in the class...wahahahaha XD but, it's felt real...i woke up still thought that it was really happened...LOL!!!

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