Tuesday, June 3, 2008

mY coOking

wahahahahaXD...i didn't know what's wrong with myself today
usually i didn't like to cook...i like to eat only...
but, hehe^^ i woke up at 9a.m to prepare the ingredients that were needed for the lunch...
i never thought my sister will come visit...so...i didn't cook so much...

sis: "*taste* yum~~~actually u can cook very well...better than before."

me: "wahahahaXD..." very proud of myself...keke =P

dunno apa fish

er...long bean (translated from chinese word)??

hmm...i wondered why my dad didn't try my cooking...sad T-T

i felt sad also when thia sms me after she saw my msn status put "trying to cook"
she asked: "u cooking? hangus bo?"
thia...don't like that say me ma...my cooking skill not bad de bo...very sad ah...u have hurt me...my weak heart has broken...

1 comment:

Jian Akiraceo (Miao) said...

yoo ying!!
cook more lar..
itu egg actually u can cook better 1.. u kasi beans.. then u kasi itu egg on it.. cover most of the beans then baru fry~