Monday, January 5, 2009

xMas 3v3? n3W y3aR eV3? n@h~~~

haiz...i miss my best best best buddy alot!!!
i really hope i can celebrate every event with them T-T

my xmas eve was really year eve as well...HAIZ!!!

xmas eve i went to friend's house BBQ...after that we went clubbing...but it was really bored...
BBQ's RAINING...sien
went to pub...FULL!!! standing outside the pub & posing =.='''''''''''''

new year eve even worse...mlm...
sitting at home...slept before 12a.m.
but then, shocked by the firework...BOOM!!!BOOM!!!BOOM!!! NOISY!!!
sms to my buddies "happy new year"...then zZZ

anyone??? who're willing to celebrate cny eve with me??? i wanna have fun fun fun!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jian Akiraceo (Miao) said...

CNY eve celebrate with family 1 lar wtf XD hahaha

MomoWing said...

i don't want...not fun enough...blek =P