Friday, July 15, 2011


i'm wondering~ how long i didn't update my blog...
really quite a long period i didn't write anything on how my life was going on...
there was not much change & different about it...
last few months, i'm just like usual, always busy about my job...when i reached home, i just on my netbook & online to chit chat with friends...

but now~ i started to do online business with my friend. We tried to earn extra income from the internet by selling first, i thought it was an easy task...unfortunately, it was not...there were so much competitions around us...the people nowadays were doing online's not easy for us to get attention from the customers...unless we sell cheaper than the others...but this will cause us earn nothing in it...hmm...should i give up in it???

therefore, besides working as a hairdresser, there was nothing new about myself...everyday just sitting there and waiting customers to was so boring~ no challenge at all...
i wanted to update myself...i wanted to learn something new...i wanted to challenge!!! i went for make up course XD this were the 2nd week i learned the course...quite fun but tough too XD at least, this would help me in the future if i have my own salon, right??? i paid rm 1480 in matter how hard it was~ i wouldn't give up till the end...XD

this is my life now~ is it great??? ^^


Jian Akiraceo (Miao) said...

yep :) upgrading urself is good :)

about online business.. its not about cheaper price..
sometimes u no need to gv cheaper price but better service, marketing and promoting is also important..

try reading up marketing when got time..
u need it for your saloon in future also..

marketing, packaging, promoting, servicing..

MomoWing said...

i study marketing b4~ but return it to my lecturer oledi XD