Wednesday, September 24, 2008

tagGed bY mY d3aR onC3 aGaiN

01 Name: wing wing

02 Sex: surely GIRL lar!!!

03 Email address:

04 Birthdate: 06 oCt

05 Family: daddy, mama, 2 sisters + 1 brother

06 Height: T-T 150+

07 Weight: 40+???

08 Something good about yourself : er...skinny??? wahahaXD

09 Something bad about yourself: banyak pimples lor!!!

10 Describe your personality in one word : friendly =P

11 Celebrities that you like: idea oh~~~

12 Songs you like: lalalalala...lalalalala...lalalalalalalalalalala...dududu dudu...AH!!!!!!! know??? LOL

13 Fav. Season: =.=''' no idea

14 Games you’re good at: racing!!! XD

15 My ideal woman or man : hmm...

16 If you have to choose between same age/older/younger: surely older

17 Your mood right now: er...mood ah??? dunno leh...

18 What you have in your pocket right now: nothing oh~

19 Sleeping out: er???

20 Alcohol tolerance: huh???

21 Drinking habits: no no~~~

22 How old were you the first time you drank: didn't remember

23 When do you want to get married: i don't wanna get married oh~~~

24 About my singing: wahahahaXD surely nice just like those famous singers...

25 About my dancing: suck!!! LOL

26 Something I want these days: i want this...that...this...& that

27 When you’re home alone: zZZZ...

28 When you’re standing in front of the mirror: smiling...wahahaXD

29 Clothes you’re wearing right now: naked right now...jk jk

30 How much money do you have in your wallet: -0.00

31 What you want to buy for your girlfriend/ boyfriend : er...dear!!! what do u want???

32 Does height matter to you: no gua...

33 What song do you sing when you go to sing karaoke: i go K but i wouldn't sing K...

34 What would you do if you had plans with your friend but they never showed up: find them & kill them!!!

35 What would you do if the person you loved cheated on you: chop him into pieces

36 How long will you be able to wait for the person you love: i wouldn't wait...hehe^^

37 First kiss: long long time ago...LOL

38 A feature you feel doesn’t need to be fixed: er???

39 Feature you feel should be fixed: ah???

40 People you miss the most right now: oh~~~my dear~~~my darling~~~

41 First love: hmm...didn't remember...

42 When you cried the most: last last year...coz of HIM!!! CB!!!

43 When do you feel you’re grown up: hahahaXD everytime...

44 What you don’t like: tired + lonely + boring

45 When you felt happy: when i happy lar!!!

46 When you were most flabbergasted: er???

47 Best looking person of the opposite gender you’ve seen so far: no one oh

48 Why aren’t you going out with anyone: har???

49 What you feel towards that person: who??? name please...

50 What would you say to the people actually reading this: try to read it finish...wahahahaXD

51 Something you’re most worried about: my future

52 When do you look most weak: when i'm sick

53 How do you NOT get dumped: hmm...

54 3 things a person NEEDS: 1. $ 2. $$ 3. $$$

55 Your grades in school: .........

56 #1 on your phone: my dear...

57 Phone company: sony ericsson

58 Phone bill : high high high

59 Place you want to go: heaven

60 Favorite TV program: none

61 Movie that pissed you off: dunno...

62 Movie you watched with most meaning: none

63 Most recent movie watched: none

64 Movie you want to recommend: step up...

65 If you could become a character inside a movie: wah!!! i don't want oh...

66 How many net cafes are you a member to: none

67 Which do you go to most often: none

68 What you feel about this cafe? : none

69 What you want to say to the starter of the cafe?: none

70 You believe it is okay to marry someone else to save the person that you love: no no no...very very not ok

71 What would you do if your parents didn’t bless your decision to get married: lari kahwin...LOL

72 Do you think you’re a player: no

73 What time do you wake up: 8am lor...if have class...

74 When you go to sleep: 11pm

75 If someone you met for the first time asked for your number: 999...please call if u want eat curry...wahahaXD

76 What would you do if you liked someone at a meeting: say "i LOVE u, do u LOVE me???" haha =P

77 Celebrity you want to go out with: hehe^^ dunno =.='''

78 How many kids do you want: 2 nia...if heng heng, 1 girl 1 boy...

79 Something you really want to be good at: good daughter, good gf, good wife, good mama

80 What I want to be in 10 years: famous hairdresser!!!

81 Someone you’re jealous of right now: u cha bo...

82 A word that you use a lot: cb...diao...maiku

83 What I do when I first wake up: still lay on bed

84 What would you do if you picked up a million dollars: wah!!! if the day comes, i happy si

85 What would you do if you became invisible: curi tengok people bathing...heeheehee

86 Singer you think is the best singing live: myself...wahahahaXD

87 Singers you don’t understand why they even sing: dunno oh

88 A kind of man you don’t like: playboy lor...liar lor

89 A kind of woman you don’t like: hiaw ma...

90 What would you do if you found someone you love more than the person you’re dating right now: break up lor...

91 What would you feel if you met someone you’ve broken up with: if he doesn't hiu me, then bye bye lor

92 Most important possession: everything

93 What you do when you first get online: msn, friendster

94 What surprised you the most: i finally can study hairdressing!!!

95 What you do when you can’t fall asleep: 1...2...3...4...zZZ

96 What do you think you were in your past life: a pig...

97 If you were to be born again: i want to be a boy...

98 What are you going to do after you finish this: cari makan

99 How honest were you: very very honest...right??? my friends!!!

100 What do you want to say: stomache...wanna ps...hahaXD

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