Monday, June 2, 2008


hehe^^ sorry for late updating my friends
i didn't know what should i write about
i still doing the same things every day. E.g. online, eat, bath, sleep, watch tv
keke =P
ok...i'm going to blog about the day i went to my dar & his friend's house on saturday's night
hmm...what we have done at there...once i reached dar there, he brought me to his friend's house
he said that he will be the DJ of the night...hahaXD he kept shout here & there...spoke ang mo somemore...keng oh!!! but, his friend said: "diam lar..." then he kenak bla by his friends...wahahaha...unfortunately, this couldn't stop him from shouting...he still continue it...memang gila~~~
i found that he was the 開心果 among his friends...without him...all friends might sit quietly there...

DJ boy!!! =.=''' ku kin above the bass speaker

for my swinburne's buddies who were going to have final exam soon...kambatteh for all of you yea^^


for daddy, CHEER UP!!! STAY HAPPY no matter how...

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