Tuesday, October 6, 2009

hapPy 20th biRthDay tO mYseLF!!!

~hApPy 20th BirThdAy tO m3~

birthday cake from Artist Hairdressing^^

dophin from my darling^^
very big neh~~~

body moisturizer from my dear ling ling^^
i really need it alot because my hand really dry neh~

necklace from my two sisters & brother^^
(they still hide it at somewhere else & put the resit on my bed =.=''' bully me!!!)
car from my dad^^
(kinda shock when saw the car)

dye my hair on my birthday^^

hahaXD i have celebrated my birthday at Absolute Ktv on Sunday^^
my friend chia me for it^^
quite fun & enjoyable^^
thanks to my friends^^ i love all of you so much^^
i'm so touch T-T THANKS!!!
thus...thanks for all the birthday gifts & wishes^^
i love it so much~~~muackssssssss


Jian Akiraceo (Miao) said...

Happy Birthday ~~ I know I'm late hahaha what to do .. your kor kor busy 1 haha

MomoWing said...

celaka~~~ hahahaXD
i knw lar~~superstar sure bz o~~~ish =P
thanks anyway!!! hahahaXD