Wednesday, December 17, 2008

hAiR sHow @ BouLeVarD

last Saturday, all of us were busy about the Hair Show @ Boulevard...
our Hair Show started at 7.30 p.m. until 8.30 p.m.
but, we need to busy from morning until the show was ended...
almost hundred people came to see the reporters somemore...
all of them kept on capturing the photo...i also saw the hairstylists from other saloons...
they came awhile just to critic us...ish!!!
still got ah ma said "hamik tao mo lai eh...beh famous eh leh...kanasai ah...color until aneh...kana siaw cha bo"
my friend heard it & answered her "lu eh tao mo jing sui meh???" hahahaXD
the ah ma nothing to say...
as the students, we helped so much in this Hair Show...but, we got nothing...haiz...still kenak blamed by someone's not worth at all...ish!!! kek xim ah!!!

4 hairstylists who were performed their talent in cutting on the stage

the hairstylists with their models

make-up artist

my friend...siaw already...

the guy next to me engtao oh...
the way he was eating, sitting, answering the hp...just like L...

anyway, he was copied L...wahahahaXD


wanted to see more photo??? just go to my friendster to see it...


last Friday, we went to somewhere around Simpang 3 to do charity...
we helped the people there to have a hair cut for free...
their hair really super duper.........................................oily!!!!!!!!!!!! haiz =.=''''''''
we started from 9a.m. until 11a.m....
actually we need to go back to the saloon at 10.30a.m., we told our master that we're very hungry...wanna go for a lunch then will be back as soon as possible...
but, we went here & there to shop...hahahaXD until we received a sms "meeting!"
so we rushed back to the saloon...& we knew that...master lied to us...ish!!! there is no meeting at all...你伤害了我~~还一笑而过~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

we're so concentrate in cutting!!! keke =P

pattern pattern oh!!!

slide cut slide cut!!! pro oh!!!

don't act engtao lar!!!

keke =P...botak hair!!!

huh?? why so many hands around me???

Friday, December 12, 2008

kiAsU frIenDs

hmm...i friends...already...crazy...
they BLEACH their hair until super duper dry!!! N already spoil in just a day =.=''''''''
their mind...haiz...nothing to say...
we have advised them not to bleach too much because it'll hurt the hair...
they say "BO SHU BOH!"
so, what can i say? BO SHU LOR!
really siaw!!!

after bleach the hair twice & dye it into silver

after bleach it
looked like ah lian's hair...wahahahaXD

after color it
hmm...looked better

both "sot" friends
they'll regret

Sunday, December 7, 2008

i Dy3 mY hAiR






Tuesday, December 2, 2008

fAnG's birThdAy

felt so disappointed~~~haiz~~~
because of???
T-T my friend, fang didn't felt surprise for the birthday party!!!!!!!!
she already knew that we'll celebrate her birthday T-T not fun at all!!! herm!!!!!!

tiramisu!!! her favourite!!!
but, after she ate it, she still asked me about the cake's flavor =.=''''''''
blur queen ah!!!

fang!!! the birthday girl...
didn't know why she looked so upset on the day

stop bully her!!! si gui alan...

artist's family!!! the siaw team!!! LOL

danish (the only malay in Artist) & fang

fang & oikee

elie & fang

eat eat eat...never eat kue har!!!