Sunday, October 5, 2008

mY biRthDay

yoyoyo~~~my birthday is coming soon...
hahahaXD but i didn't feel happy about it...haiz...
mood kinda low low now...

whatever, on thursday, my buddies jio me out for lunch...they chia me & gave me big big present...hehe^^
they're so nice...touching neh T-T
unfortunately, we can just meet awhile because another friend in hurry...sob sob T-T
hope we can meet & gather again next time...promise yea^^

present from my buddies^^

but the more surprise the saloon on saturday...
one of my friend's birthday is on 7 oct...hahaXD i knew that they wanna give surprise for her...they planned everything & told me as well...they asked me to go down floor de saloon to look after her...don't let her sudden come upper floor de saloon...(tauke opened two saloon in same place)
but, when i walked out the saloon, all workers asked me where i wanna go...i told them just toilet...then one of the worker followed me for toilet...
then after awhile, i walked out the saloon again, they were so nervous & kept on shouting my name, so i turned back...then they asked me where i wanna go again...& asked me don't go out, help them this & that...i started to feel very weird...
when there was no customer, all of them closed the light & sang birthday song to my friend...
my friend has a shock until crying there...hahaXD but then, they brought in another cake & sang to me...i was super duper shock & nga nga looked at them...they all laughing at me...i felt like i have been fooled...=.=''''''''''
actually they didn't know my birthday is one day early than my friend's...they told me was my master told them 1...owh~~~so touch & happy oh...thanks to my master very very much for the birthday surprise^^

Friday, October 3, 2008

tAgGed bY tHia

A N S W E R - T R U T H F U L L Y

1. Do you like anyone?
sure...av1 in my life...except those pb ppl

2. Do they know it?:
hmm...ask them^^
3. Simple or complicated?:
simple lor...

IN - T H E - L A S T - M O N T H - H A V E - Y O U
4. Bought something:
yea!!! wasting my money...
5. Gotten sick?:
6. Been hugged?:
no~~~sob sob T-T
7. Felt stupid?:
stupid??? no no i m clever...super duper clever
8. Talked to an ex:
nono...wan me talk to him...mlm!!!
9. Missed someone:
yup...av second, av minute, av hour, av day
10. Failed a test: cz i m clever bah!!!
11. Danced:
monkey dance??? hahahaXD

12. Gotten your hair cut?:
yea...mushroom head
13. Lied:

14. Nervous habits?:
yea...whn exam is coming...

15. Are you double jointed?:
apa maksud...
16. Can you roll your tongue?
17. Can you raise one eyebrow?

18. Can you cross your eyes?:
19. Do you make your bed daily?:
no o...i m lazy

20. Do you think you are unique?:
sure lor...din blif??? ask my buddies...hahaXD

H A V E - Y O U - E V E R'S
21. Said "I Love you":
of coz la...
22. Given money to a homeless person:
no lui

23. Smoked?:
i'm anti-smoker

24. Waited all night for a phone call?:

25. Snuck out?:
yea...b4 lu...wahahaXD

26. Sat and looked at the stars?:
i stood & looked at d stars o...

27. Do you swear/curse?:
no wor

28. Do you ever spit?

29. You cook your own food?
hahahaXD whn i got d mood to cook

30. You do your own chores?:
apa tu

31. You like beef jerky?:
nah...cnt eat beef
32. You're happy with your life?:
hmm...not really...kinda bored

33. You own a dog?:
no wor...

34. You spend your money wisely?:
i think so...hahaha =P
35. Do you like to swim?:
i hope i cn swim...

36. When you get bored do you call a friend:
call ah??? i wont o...sms got lar...

D O - Y O U - P R E F E R'S
37. Flowers or angels?:
angels lor

38. Gray or black?:
black lar
39. Color or black and white photos?:
=.=''''''''' color...oledi wt century...stil blk n white meh...
40. Lust or love?:
love love love

41. Sunrise or sunset?:
sunset i think...

42. M&Ms or Skittles?:
m&ms...but heard tat got poison...hahaXD
43. Staying up late or waking up early?:
Staying up late. wan me waking up early??? kill me better

44. Being hot or cold?:
warm??? can???
45. Winter or Fall?:
46. Left or right?:
47. Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends?: idea...
48. Sunshine or rain?:

49. Been Dumped?
sure lor...aiks...xia soi...
50. Stolen money from a friend?:
nonono...cnt do tat to frd...only cn do tat on BEST frd...hahahahaXD

51. Been in a fist fight?:
52. Snuck out of your house?:
53. Had a crush on a teacher?:
surely no lar...

54. Seen someone die?: gua...
55. Been on an airplane?
no ah...hw poor m i...T-T
56. Slept all day?:
yea...whn i omos few days din slp...especially cny...hahaXD go wek...

57. Missed someone so much it hurt?:
58. Fallen asleep during school?:
sure lor...d saliva omos mengalir out kok

59. Been lonely?
lonely~~~i m so lonely~~~
60. Cheated in a game?:
aduh...i m clever bah...mana wil get cheated
61. Been to the ER?:
no o...
62. Been in a car accident?:
hmm...long gate, long frd car, long unknown car, count???
63. Had detention?:
no o...
64. Missed your first love?:
no is not important...hahaXD

65. Cried yourself to sleep?:
yealor...aiks...stupid to do so...

66. Sung in the shower?:
hahaXD wont o...

67. Kissed a complete stranger?:
siaw ah!!!
68. Laughed so hard you cried?:
yea...hahaXD many times...wah lao...all ppl looked at me...xia soi...
69. Cheated on a bf/gf?:
nonono...i m honest to him
70. Regretted hurting someone?:
depend...if tat 'someone' is pb...i wont...
71. Regretted loving someone?:
yea...but past jor...hahaXD forget lu...cheer!!!