Tuesday, May 6, 2008


today, ling & i went to campus to pick thia up after we went to Saberkas.
thia & ling really crazy ah~~~both just like enemy...kept scold each other...rude words also came out...hahaXD really betahan them ah...but, a lot of fun when hanging out with them...
then, i picked thia home & "shun bian" visited her house...her doggie kinda cute oh^^ but kept barked at us...ish...we looked like bad people meh??? we were just wanted to visit thia's house & took the chance to search for anything that worth for us to steal...wahahahaha =P
ling so "ke qi" oh when at thia's house...she ran to upstairs to search for thia's room...hahaXD kana detective...wanted to search any secret that hide in thia's room...
but there was no 見不得人的東西...ehem~~~just like cXXXXX...just kidding just kidding...hahaXD disappointed~~~!!! but, we got the chance to see the baby's moment de thia...cute oh^^ felt wanted to "cubit" her...keke =P

aiya...forgot to get the photo from ling...the photo of myself...exercising at thia's house...i really needed to admit that i was already old...just exercise for awhile...already tired like hell...

green tart...anyone please???

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