Wednesday, July 30, 2008

anNounCem3nT friends...
i'll seldom on my msn...
because my course from monday until saturday...the timing has changed...
so i might not be able to go back to my own house...
if got anything wanna find me, sms me yea^^
or left a message in my friendster...
i'll still check it when i'm free...
stay happy & healthy everyday oh, my dear friends...
must not forget me oh!!! muackssssssssssss

Sunday, July 27, 2008


recently like to listen to this song...
don't have any special meaning one oh...
i just love this song^^

原來 我最愛的是你不是他

Friday, July 25, 2008

tagGed by mY d3aResT tHia aGaiN

1. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
2.Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they w2ere tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

1) If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
- kill him...chop him into pieces...cut off his XXXX!!!

2) If you have a dream to come true, what would it be?
- become a millionaire...wahahahaha XD

3) Are u sleepy now?
- no no no...very energetic right now...

4) Are u confused with what lies ahead of you?
- er...don't know wor...

5) What's your ideal lover like?
- just like my dear lor...

6) Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
- BOTH!!!

7) What is the one thing that pisses you off about the opposite sex?
- backstab...piss off lar!!!

8) How far will you go for the one you love the most?
- apa lu mean???

9) Is there anything that makes you unhappy these days?
- yea yea yea...many ah!!!

10.What is your favorite fairytale of all time and why?
- er...don't have wor...

Name 10 people to do this survey
Answer these questions honestly~~ ( formalities )
1. ling
2. cat
3. tudi
4. sia
5. ah kor
6. sis
7. chinchailai
8. cher
9. ...
10. ...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

tagGed bY d3aRest tHiA

Name 20 people randomly.
At the end of the survey, choose 5 people to do the survey.
Don't read the questions, but name the 20 people first.

1. ling
2. sia
3. miin
4. thia
5. cat
6. ikki
7. ting2
8. sandra
9. justin
10. les
11. eve
12. ming
13. joyce
14. cher
15. suleen
16. daddy
17. nick
18. rabbit
19. uncle
20. tudi

1.How did u meet no.18? (rabbit)
- know him in ARTIST academy...always eat eat eat 1...pig!!!

2.What will you do if you have not met no.17? (nick)
- life will be bored??? he is a good joker & listener...although always suan me...but it is fun to suan him back...lolx

3.What if no.9 and no.20 dated? (justin & tudi)
- OMG!!! GAY!!!

4.What if no.5 and no.10 dated? (cat & les)
- NO WAY!!! les is mine!!!

5. Describe no.1. (ling)
- 3 words...siaw cha bo...lolx...

6.Do you think no.8 is attractive? (sandra)
- sure!!! so hiong in english...all guys sure peng 在她的腳下

7.Describe no.7 (ting2)
- my new friend...very talkactive...siaw also...& kinda kepo...lolz...

8.Do you know any family members of no.12? (ming)
- yea...almost know all of her family members...because i always lepak at her house when study at Swinburne...paiseh ah, ming =P

9.What language does no.15 speak? (suleen)
- er...english, malay, mandarin &...i don't know...hehe^^

10.Who is no.9 hanging out with ? (justin)
- with aqua lor...wahahahaha XD

11.How old is no.16? (daddy)
- my daddy bo...23??? hee^^ forget jor...sorry daddy...your son is very forgetful...

12.When was the last time u speak to no.13? (joyce)
- hmm...since i quit schooling??? but sometimes still will chit chat in msn^^

13.Who's no.2's favourite singer/band? (sia)
- no idea neh...=P

14.Have u dated no.4? (thia)
- of cause!!! my dearest thia wor...always acc me when i'm moody...always siaw her very much oh^^

15.Would you ever date no.19? ( uncle)
- NO NO NO!!! i wouldn't date with him even if the world only left him 1 guy...lolz

16.Is no.3 single? (miin)
- hmm...i think long didn't find her...

17.What is no.10's last name? (les)
- lee

18.Would u ever be in a relationship with no.11? (eve)
- friendship lor!!!

19.What is the school of no.13? (joyce)
- Swinburne lor...

20.Where does no.6 stay? (ikki)
- somewhere near green road area...near my grandma's house...hee^^

21.What is the favourite thing about no.5? (cat)
- i don't know neh...omg...i'm not a good friend T-T...

22.Have u seen no.14 naked? (cher)
- NO NO NO!!!

Choose 5 people
1. ling
2. tudi
3. cher
4. sia
5. ...

hahaXD many friends didn't have friend can be tagged...

cHeeR uP!!!

my friend

i know you're in bad mood these days

you promise me that will share your problem with me

you still have me to be your listener

but, you choose to keep it by yourself

anyway, i already know everything

i just want you to say it out

you may feel better after doing so

i will always be your listener

my buddy, my best friend

please cheer up!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

v3rY boRing

it was great to finish my note in a short time...
but, i was bored to death...
there was no people for me to chat with...
there was no game for me to play...
there was no people for me to practice...
there was nothing & nothing & nothing...
i think, i didn't want to go back home next time...
really very people could accompany me...T-T
if everyday got class, how nice~ i wouldn't bored to death
i still have friends to talk with...still have people to bully...still have stuff to do...lolz
some friends said that i have changed...
they said that i 玩不起 i???
maybe got abit...wahahaha XD...
but, i was really lazy...wouldn't think any word to 'sut' back...
forgive me, please??? hehe^^

yo! i'M bAck

hehe^^ home sweet home...
i'm back to update my blog again
but, what should i write about??? life in ARTIST academy???
seem nothing special...
joking around, suan people around, eat eat eat, play play play...lolz
and, the most important, learned new things & skills...hehe^^

my uniform...kinda blur =.=''''

oh ya~~~ somethings happened when my friends & i went for lunch
got 1 Indian man came to our seats & said that he wanna borrow rm8 for taxi...
still said that his wife in hospital...he need to go to the hospital...
my friends nga nga looked at him...i kept said that i have no money
last, he failed to do so
he didn't ask from other people for money...just us...
so obviously, he thought us were seh kia...wanna tipu us...memang liar...
hospital so near, walked to there also can...still need taxi?!!
so, friends~~~ be careful with those liars oh~~~

wanna go to do my note...update my blog again next time...take care, my friends *muacks*

Friday, July 11, 2008

aWay fRom hOm3

these few days i hardly to online because i live at my sister's didn't update & check my blog
today no class, so i went back to matang & online just for updated my blog

ok, how was my study going on??? was great although very tough & tiring...
my class started from 1030am until 5pm...
but, if reached b4 1030am, can start the practice already...if didn't finish the practice, need to stay back until finished it...
anyway, the time past very fast...just awhile, it was time to go home...

what have i learned & got from the course???
wash hair & blow hair...
the basic things we need to learn...
need used alot of energy...everything got skills...very interesting...hehehe^^
i got some new friends at there as well...the workers were very friendly & funny...
they laugh & smile all the time...sometimes will kepo kepo with us also...
i got injured from the course...T-T
my hand very painful when blow the hair...the heat from hairdryer was really hot...

besides, we can get free hair wash service...advantages from this course??? disadvantages...
we changed partner all the time to learn wash hair & blow hair...
my hair washed by two friends who were also the students from there...
almost 1 and a half hour they were washing my hair...i was just like a model for them...lolz
after that, my hair became very dry...almost spoil...=.=''''''''
then, the next day morning i woke up & wanna get prepared to go for study...i washed my hair
but, when i reached there, teacher asked my friend to practise wash hair again...wash my hair again =.=''''''''''
i really shouldn't wash my hair at that hair over & super duper clean until very dry already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can already stop washed my hair for few days or a week...hahahaha XD

sometimes i will feel like i wasn't suitable to be hairstylist...why???

teacher: "why your hand shake until like that??"
worker: "don't nervous scare ah see your hand shaking"
me: "i'm not nervous is automatic one...i couldn't stop it"
worker: "automatic??? hahaha"
teacher: "you do other things also like that??"
me: "ya...eating, playing pc, anything lor"
teacher: "har??? then you know when it will shake???"
me: "i don't song then will shake...not song then wouldn't shake"
teacher: "hahahaha XD...then see when it is not song"

next day

teacher (walk towards & see my hand): "yih~~~today your hand tidak song, it didn't shake"
me (busy blow my friend's hair): "huh??? yealor..."

why my hand will like that??? next time i cut customer's hair...then...OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008


我們都知道,七月半即將到來,也就是所謂的 ‘好兄弟’ 到人間探訪的時候。


2。出外旅行時,住飯店要敲一敲門,打開門時最好 不要擋在門前哦,一定要 側身讓好兄弟過,如果你擋在門前,你突然覺得頭有點暈,那就代表好兄弟穿越了你的身體。







Thursday, July 3, 2008






有了事業,要金錢,就有金錢,而愛情呢?順其自然吧~ 是你的,還是會屬於你的。