Monday, December 21, 2009


boring~i'm so boring~i have nobody~to call my ownnnnnnnn~~~

aiks...what should i do???
recently, i'm quite unhappy...
why??? hmm...because of...nothing...hahahahaXD (what am i laughing about??? argh!!!)

*singing again*
Gaga-ooh la la

Friday, December 4, 2009

aN enD aGain~

wow~it's December 2009!!!
a year has come to an end again!!!
can't wait for the coming 2010!!!
can't wait for the countdown!!!
can't wait for the chinese new year!!!

have been almost a month i didn't blog, kinda lazy to blog & nothing to blog about~
recently i was busy of work HATE IT, busy of ktv-ing LIKE IT, busy of sleeping after work LOVE IT...hahahaXD
hmm...really nothing amazing about my life...
last time, i used to complain much about my life..."it's meaningless!!! it's bored!!! it's a bitch!!!"
now, i'm too tired to think about it...just let it flows smoothly & naturally...
i should stay happy!!! & enjoy my life!!! right???